A VIEW FROM NEAR THE SWITCH BACK CREEK CAMPGROUNDS @ http://www.switchbackcreek.com/
570 Wallace Rd.
Shady Valley Tn 37688
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I know I’m one of the luckiest people alive today! I’ve been taking advantage of the warm weather we’ve been having here…the last two days! Temperatures have ranged from the low 80’s to the high 80’s! Now add to the fact I have been riding in the mountains rather than the hills or lowlands…we can take away about 7 of those degrees…and we have perfect riding temps for me and my little girl! She likes 75 degree weather…and so the hell do I!
I know I promised you a story on the Nortons, but I have been looking at the pictures, and I’m not satisfied with them. I’ve called Windy and asked him if he and I could do a real photo shoot next weekend, take the bikes out to a picturesque place with a non distracting background and do a real shoot that will give the bikes some justice. I also will need Windy to take that tank bag off…but hey, hold on…I’ll give y’all a sneak peak into both bikes right now!

You know, on Friday, when I went for my ride to visit with Windy...I stopped and got some shots of how to find him...street signs and of course around here, we all use landmarks rather than street signs to tell people when to turn...so here is what I got from Windy...and I have to admit...it works!

First Windy tells me to look for this street...no problem, I can read...who needs landmarks? Well...I passed it and drove about another mile before I called him and complained...he then told me to look for this landmark....

"The stone house on the corner!" I found the place right away....
Next, continue down the road to the first right....OK...I can do this! Oh and in case there is any doubt...and you can read...there is always this to point the way!

Now as I'm making my way down the road towards the campground, I see this field. I had to stop and snap a picture...lovely....I think Tennnessee has some beautiful places...right smack dab in the middle of no where!

I find the campgrounds easily enough...it's just where Windy said it would be...surprise surprise! I see Windy in the middle of his open field...talking with one of his guests...and ride up to him. I turn my bike off, stick out my hand and say..."I guess your Windy?" and sure nuff...he was.

Now climbing off the bike after making sure the ground I was "camped" on was firm and level...I climbed of my little girl and spun around...checking things out...yes, I think to myself, "It's as he discribed on the blog cast...good, I'm dealing with an honest man!" So I ask Windy, "What's your vision for this place in a few years?" Wow...did I ever learn a few things! "Look down here if you would please Ma'am..."

"I've got a road roughed in now...it leads down to the creek, where I plan to put some primitive tent sites in." The road leads down into a bowl shaped depression below the main level of the camp. At one time, it was a Laural thicket...now Windy has cleared most of the brush away, and I can see something wonderful this way will come. I can almost make out the small stream in the distance. Windy has 21 acres to play with here...and he has loads of plans to help make your camping and riding dreams come true!
Here is where Windy is planning a small lake. There is a stream that will feed it seperate from the creek that runs out beyond the area we see here!

Here is the creek...

Now I realize it don't look like much now, but once he gets the area properly cleared...including the bank area...you will see exactly what he does...and I can see it as well...in a year maybe two...you will see a lot of wildlife and some great camping down there.
For now though, your regulated to the field. I forgot to take pictures of that area...but if you scan back up at the field I posted earlir...that's pretty much what you get!
Windy has his bath house built and ready for your bathing and toilet needs...check out what you get!

Hot water on demand...

If you don't want to rough it...then book one of his quaint cabins! They feature twin beds an in wall AC unit, electricity, and a vainty. Comfortable units to be sure!

I'd like you to keep in mind this campground is a work in progress. Windy is develouping his dream as he is able. He trades labor with neighbors all around him. This one has a business which clears land...Windy will trade his mechcanical skills for the machinary to clear his land...it takes time to do something good...it takes longer still to do it right. I believe Windy is doing this right.
This area is full of great motorcycle riding! Within a mile or two of SR421...or better known to the locals as "The Snake". click here to read more about SR 421 and The Snake! http://www.squidoo.com/the_snake