It's June already. I've so much left to do. So many dreams for this summer...and I haven't gotten to them yet. It's a bit of a disappointment to me. Every month, a plan gets knocked down...put off to the side...because something comes up from the depths of some black hole to swallow up the spare money we have set aside for me to ride. Or, something comes up that needs to be done. Something that wasn't planned for. Or my computer dies...or... yeah, you get the idea.
I had planned to have my ride of the Natchez Trace in the bag by the end of May. Didn't happen...and I don't think it will happen this year after all. Why? Because it is a week long ride...and that requires more money...and other things are popping up all over...I am starting to see...I shouldn't plan on any ride...I should just take it when the time opens up or the money is there....

I have some really good news. Because of a reader, I have been invited to attend a tour by the Tourism Board of West Virginia. It will be a five day tour, and we will be treated to many cool roads, sights, and events...all geared toward the motorcycle traveler. West Virginia is beginning to realize the potential of the motorcyclist's tourist dollar. Now let's not forget the amount of history West Virginia has...or how about the twisty roads of the Appalachian Mountains. The Red River Gorge...I am very excited about riding in West Virginia...with 11 other of my fellow journalists. It will be quite the honor actually.

I want to get on my bike and ride miles...many, many miles. I don't know how people stay in one place for years at a time. I have never had a job that held me in one place for more than 18 months.

I've always had to keep on moving...beyond the boredom of the known...into the excitement of a new place, new people to learn, new job skills...or...using the skills I already impress and make a reputation for myself...allowing me to go anywhere in the state...and getting good money for the skill set I offered. But I never stayed long...12 months was about the average. It's now been since 1999, that I've had a full time job where I put in time for someone other than myself. I love what I'm doing now...I don't make much money...but I am able to have the things I need...and that's a happy thing.

I don't know where this is gonna take me ten years from now...but I'm hoping I will be riding, writing, and loving the same people in my life...