Having left off in the Presidents and notable dignitaries room...we shall now pick up where we left off...Starting with Lyndon Johnson's car....
Then onto Harry Truman's....
Now onto the limo that carried President Kennedy's Secret Service Detail...directly behind the President's car in TX. that fateful day.
This museum dedicates quite a bit of space to the Kennedy Assassination...in this room is the infamous ambulance that carried Kennedy's killer to the hospital after he was shot in the gut by an off duty policeman....
And a room all unto it's self...with the flag that draped the coffin of President Kennedy.
Let's get out of this somber mood, and enter the world of fast cars, fast women, and faster guys....whose car is this? Come on y'all...it's the king of NASCAR's first race car...RICHARD PETTY....sheesh you guys...come on....
I would love to have Ned Jarrett's car today...what a cool "hot rod"...
And what do you think of Ray Thompson's roadster? Yummy....
Here we have Jerry Kizer's funny bike racer...man I love fast motorcycles...
Check out this classic race car...oh...it brings me back to the funny papers...that's where I first saw cars designed like this....I so love these babies...this is a 1929 Indy Race Car....yummy
You say you like formula cars? How about this Jag...I guess it's a Jag...it says it's a Jag on the front of the car....low slung and sexy...another great motor vehicle...don't you agree?
This is a Rail Car...I tried to give you and idea of exactly how long these things are...but I ran out of light before the car was done....
This is Joe Armoto's Dragster...I've always called them rail cars...is that wrong?
This is a midget car...I had an uncle in California who raced these...I understand he was quite good at it too...HMMMMMM
One last look as I leave the race room....
Walking into the next room, you start to smile...look here...the Back to the Future car...It was one of the first movies I took my daughter to that wasn't a cartoon type.
Here is a close up of the Flux Capacitor.
Then we come to the wax figure of Christopher Reeve...the only REAL superman in my opinion.
Now we have one of the original Batmobiles...from the TV show...cool
Then we have the Batmobile from the first movie...
And the Batmobile from Batman Returns....notice the Penguin in the background...???
Now tell me, what collection would be complete without the Ghost Busters rig? HUH?
Here, we have the Mayberry squad car, signed a few years ago by many of the surviving cast members.
You remember National Lampoon's Vacation? Well here she is...Notice Grandma is still tied to the roof of the car? So funny!
Look closely...yes folks...they even have Fred Flintstones car...
Last, but not least....the Sanford and Son car...
I want you guys to know, they also have a VERY good collection of Abe Lincoln memorabilia...but I forgot to bring another memory card...you'll just have to go see this collection for yourself!