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I'm serious as a heart attack, look at these pictures and tell me I don't live in an area that provides loads of cool places to ride?

Just before I left home, I overheard a weather report Mom was listening to. If I were to ride south, I would have beautiful weather with 81 degrees. Riding to the north would provide mostly cloudy skies, with afternoon showers. I have told you before, I don't mind the rain. I took the chance and rode north into VA. I love riding in VA.

There were sprinkles all along the way. You know, the kind of sprinkles that remind you of being behind a car whose windshield washer spray was not adjusted properly. Or Perhaps the kind of wet you get when you follow a reefer truck. Yes, more like that.
There were many places that provided good pictures, but I really didn't stop until I came to what the locals call "Big Stone". The map puts the word "GAP" after Big Stone...tell me...when you hear "Big Stone"...what do you think of...does it make you GRIN? It does me.
In downtown Big Stone, is this little park that memorializes the coal miners who have lost their lives in the mine...

The Monte Vista Hotel mosaic sat at the entrance of the park. I guess it was a cool old hotel that burned...(guessing here,) and the land was donated to the city for this memorial? I don't know...but I really liked the park...and the town of Big Stone.

The town of Big Stone sits on the cross roads of US 23 and US 58. I took US 58 West, once I hit town...and I found this very fine old house turned MUSEUM. It's the Southern VA. Museum. It only cost $3.00 to go inside. I didn't go in...I only have 7 hours to ride, and only have $20.00 for the day. I think I will save it for gas and lunch.

Still heading west on SR 58, near Rose Hill I find this tobacco barn. Don't ya love it?

Before you arrive at Rose Hill though, you must pass through Jonesville. Please stop and check out this cemetery...Deditcated to the unknown soldiers who fought in the Civil War battle of Jonesville.

How cool is this?

This is what the inside of the movie theater looks like. I was kind of surprised. A man I talked to said this building has been empty since 1975. I saw no evidence of a fire. I imagine the building was simply left to rot. This can be found in Ewing on OLD 58.

Cloudy skies provide such cool backdrops for the mountains, don't you agree?

I've never quite seen a silo designed like this. Check out the stone wall in front of it. The old distressed appearance of the wood caught my eye, does it yours too?

To live on this property might give me a good feeling every day.

Daniel Boone's son died near here. This is off US 58 heading east. Read the sign for more information!

In the same spot is this sign about Fanny Dickenson

The stone face of a mountain in VA off US 58 Near Ewing VA.