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I left out of my house after walking my dog, getting breakfast for all in the house...and checking my email. Walked to the carport...pulled the little girl into the driveway, cranked her up....ah she sounds so dang sweet.
I've decided to play tourist at Bristol Caverns. It's really a first for me...I have to pay $13.00 to go down in a hole in the ground....yeah, can ya believe this cheap ass gal is gonna open her pockets for a great trip down in the ground....
BUT...before I get there, I want to stop and get a picture of this stuff.....check it out!
Check out this barber shop's sign here on the "back door".
Are you gonna tell me this isn't cool?
OK...Now I'm heading north on 19E. It's a four lane hiway that leads or rather dumps into 11E which is known as the Bristol Hiway. This road will take you directly past Bristol Motor Speedway. I don't go there that way...I find a back road. I head east on Hiway 44. Heading toward Bluff City...I actually think this road is pretty darn good.
After I cross the rail road tracks in Bluff City, I come to this little park. It's really quite nice.
Geese, A rail car, stuff...
I left the park still heading East on 44...when somehow I got side tracked...and found myself on SR 394, which runs on the backside of Bristol Motor Speedway. How the hell did I end up here? ah if your looking at the map, you'll see I stay on this road until I hit SR421. As I am crossing the hiway onto SR421, I see this:
Tell me, how many of you have passed these signs where you live, without slowing down to see what it says? Man so much history passing you by! STOP AND CHECK EM OUT!
I now have my GPS pegged to my takes me the rest of the way into Bristol Caverns! Love my's hooked up to my phone so I just follow Michelle's voice!
Here we are!
I'm walking down into the caverns...I see all the stair heading DOWN, I'm a couch potato...figure out how bad that gets on the tour back up...there were seven people on our tour...I'm the only one who is puffing on the way back of the guys on the tour is about sixty something...and he's not even breathing hard! Rat bastard!
There's a whole bunch more...this is pretty impressive...right here in our own back yard...I think you guys would like it. I did...and I recovered well from the should you!
I left out of the Caverns, with every intention of heading home...but I kept seeing the signs for TVA South Holston Dam. I had to see it.... well here it is!
This is on top of the earthen fact every one after this one is from on top!
Leaving from South Holston Dam I find my way back to SR44. Heading south this time...I find these cool!
This log cabin home is very OLD...and people still LIVE in it! Oh!
Love this nice old barn...don't you guys?
Well this is about it Folks...I'm on my way home!