I have been surfing through the internet, looking for an item to write about...something to hold my interest. It's not happening. I haven't found anything to write about.
So a friend has suggested I write about West Virginia. Yes, I think I will. I loved my time in West Virginia. I do expect to return to W.V. I found the things I saw, things I did in West Virginia this past summer were some very fine and good things.
One thing I experienced for the first time was ATV riding. I can remember how my smile was constant. I also remember thinking, and later stateing..."I don't think I've ever had so much fun on four wheels!"
Right up until I back ended Big Rick from Gieco and sent the man flying down the hill....yikes...I wasn't paying attention to the people in front of me, but rather the trail. I mean it Rick...I'm really sorry...I do hope your back is feeling not lasting problems from our mishap ....
There was another part of the tour that impressed me...it was the riding. Yeah OK...the places we RODE to were cool too, but if you guys have been reading me for very long, then your not going to be surprised how much I loved riding through the countryside of West Virginia.
Scenic Byway...wish I knew what road we were on....
Here's a sight I can never tire of...I sure wish I was important enough for a private tour of this place...just me and about a 100 of my most fun friends....this is such a cool place!
On many of the secondary roads, we passed under these covered coal movers...it was fascinating...to me at least!
One place we visited...and it was quite a memorable visit, was the Governor's Mansion. We had breakfast with the Governor's Chief of Staff...but hey, check out this place setting. No, it's not the setting they used for us...but what the hell...it still wasn't a shabby way to start our day!
This is the table we all sat at...
Now here, in front of the Governor's Mansion is the circular drive...and we all parked our bikes right in front of the mansion...yes I loved this too!
It's time now to look at the antique motorcycles we saw along the way...
OK...I guess this is all for now...most of these pictures have never been posted anywhere before...I hope you enjoy.