In the mean time, today I took Mom's car out, there is ice on the roads around I took Mom to church...and then went in search of photographs. I really didn't go to far at is Mom's church!
I leave the church yard and head for the covered bridge once more. This time, I don't have anybody with me checking his watch...wanting to get back home to his comfies....this time...I'm to myself, and I love it!
A couple of days ago...while doing things I sometimes do without my bike, I stop to take pictures of a chrome bumper grave yard. Or perhaps I guess these guys would like to think this is simply a "resting" place until someone in the country who is rehabing an old automobile...calls as says..."Do you have a front AND rear bumper for....???" Well yes my son, we here at Elizabethton Chome have anything you long as it's a chrome bumper....
I also have been to my favorite cheese section of the grocery store in town:
And finally....a brutal ice scene.