Stuart Hooper hails from Buderim north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. For the last three years he has spent time and money attempting to produce a Velocette that is the fastest in the world. He made the long road trip with friends as backup crew, some 2500km plus to Lake Gairdner in South Australia.
Lake Gairdner is a salt lake where the Dry Lake Racers Australia hold speed record attempts early March each year. Stuart's effort in 2008 was aborted due to rain washing out the meet with no racing occuring. In 2009 he reached a speed of 133.46mph. This year, 2010, late in the afternoon of Friday 12th March he increased this to 139.001mph, which eclipsed the 132.35mph that Bert Munroe achieved on his prewar MSS Velocette racer in New Zealand in 1971 and which was widely regarded as the fastest speed a Velocette had obtained under accurately timed conditions. Congratulations Stuart.....Keith Canning, President of the Velocette Owners Club of Australia and a member of Stuart crew filed this report to me tonight after he and Stuart returned to Queensland
"Australia has the Worlds Fastest Velocette after a very trying but in the end rewarding Speedweek.
The record previously set by Burt Munro in 1971 at 132.35 mph in NZ.
For Stuart & the team the week certainly had its ups & downs to say the least. We arrived on Friday to find a perfect hard dry salt track, only to have rain fall on Saturday & Sunday. This was certainly a set back. Once this happened no vehicles were allowed to be moved on or to the salt & the only access to the bike & trailer already in the pits was to walk through water stretching 100 metres along the edge of the salt lake. Water was blown around the pits by high winds as well.
There was no racing on Monday, but with conditions improving, we changed the drive sprocket in anticipation of the track opening.
On Tuesday afternoon we got a run on the test track where things went well. It was the first run for the bike since last year as a complete unit.
After the drivers' briefing we went straight to the GPS track where we achieved 133 mph as our highest speed. With everything going well we then lined up for a run on the main track. This enabled us to get a run on Wednesday where Stuart ran a licensing pass in the 125 mph range which is required because the bike had changed classes.
Our next run was a failure owing to the fact we had the wrong spark plug (warm up) in for the run. A high wind in the second run resulted with Stuart being blown to the side of the track only missing the marker cones & backing off to stay upright. He also thought the motor was getting tired, so after lining again till the end of racing to get a position for a run the following morning, we retired to our pits to thoroughly check the bike.
Friday saw us line up early as racing was to finish about noon. The day turned out to be perfect, no cross winds & very still. We were confident of the bike now, but still ran the small tail, as cross winds usually started up at mid morning. These never eventuated but by this time we could not change the tail. We did however mix some new fuel & added 10% nitro to the methanol for an extra boost. We changed to a larger main jet to ensure it ran rich & not damage the motor.
The last run went well. The bike ran straight as an arrow and was very stable. It did run too rich however & missed & popped at the top end. It actually would have revved harder on straight methanol. Stuart ran & was timed over 2 miles. He then had the long ride back to the pits, not knowing what we the crew, already knew. He arrived to a jubilant team made up of wife Marsha, Russell Houghton & myself as well as anyone else who was nearby.
Stuart would like to thank all for their support especially the crew, friends, well wishes, fellow club members & those who made the big effort to come out to the salt.
What’s next? Develop the engine more & go faster, for sure!

I can tell you that when the Velo starts up, out on the salt, fellow competitors, crews & spectators all stop & listen to that unmistakable bark of the big single. It’s music to the ears."