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What a great day for a ride. The temps. were beyond perfect at a top range of 86 degrees. Though leaving out was a tad chilly at 46 degrees, yeowza...the shadows in the mountains were COLD...but oh my....oh my...200 miles of riding today...see my route? Oh my!
This is Boneback Ridge....see the climbers? I think this is a place where they come to learn and practice.
This is Beaver Creek. It runs next to Backbone Ridge. This, by the just below TN SR 133, and the town of Damascus in VA.
This is where I bear left onto US-58, just north of Damascus. It takes us up into the surrounding mountains...
I'm still on US-58 East...It's getting warmer here, so I shed my jacket while admiring this little rushing river.
So much to see on US-58.
I love the Blue Ridge Mountains! The next few shots will reflect this...
Another abandoned home...don't ya love those blue shingles? I do!
The following photo is on my way to Sparta on NC-21...
This last photo is from TN's SR 67. It's of Lake Watauga in the mountains above my home in Elizibethton TN.