The frame was sent out and professionally straightened and re-welded. This gave the owner a good excuse for a completly new custom paint job. That post will come in the future.
For now, let's focus on th frame.
I started by sanding and feathering all the edges from grinding and welding.
I used body filler to smooth out the welds in the obvious areas.

I plugged and masked off any holes, so primer, paint and clear coat wont fill in threads etc.
I plugged and masked off any holes, so primer, paint and clear coat wont fill in threads etc.
Everything was sanded, feathered out, and scuffed for tooth (adhesion).
Then the primer was all sanded smooth as a baby's bottom.
There was 2 cats out here too, but the second ran back into the house before I could snap off a picture.
Straining the paint after the frame was blown off, wax and grease removed, and tack clothed.
Hard to see the paint overspray in my Beam & Coke.
Now that's just extra flavor for a High Life Man.