Hey y'all!
You guys like V-Twin art right? Most of you anyway? Well, a few years ago, when I first started following Bandit over at www.bikernet.com I was introduced to the art of Chris Kallas.
It's somewhat in the same vain as David Mann's work, but with noticeable differences...which is as it should be. The people appear more animated in Chris's work. I don’t infer that his art has a cartoonish quality to it, no not at all; there is just something about his characters that defies my descriptive abilities.
But, when you examine his drawings and finished work of the motorcycle, you will find his work to be a well drawn, factually detailed study of the motorcycle. Chris has the uncanny ability to capture the motorcycle and the human sprit that dwells within the confines of the motorcycle’s domain. In other words, Chris knows how to capture the biker spirit of joy and non conformity, as well as the motorcycles’ maverick and artistic inducements given to it by its owner/designer.
I believe Chris has studied the art form of the motorcycle, discovered its true beauty in structure, and is able to capture the character of the bike and those who will ride her with remarkable clarity.
Chris has started a new web site at http://motorcycleart.blogspot.com . You will find more of his really great efforts, as well as a thought or two from the man himself. He’s a real biker…a real artist, and I am very grateful for his consent allowing me to feature some of his art on my page. You can purchase Chris’s work at his web site as well!

I hope you will follow the link to his page! http://motorcycleart.blogspot.com/