It was warm today. After spending the morning taking care of my Mom's needs, come 1 PM I found myself out in the carport with my little lady (my bike). I rolled her out into the drive way, inserted the key...twisted the wick a few times..opps forgot to turn on the gas...OK now twist the wick...push that button and listen to her as she coughs and spits to life. She is a Florida bike, and really don't care for the cold. All in all though, I've had some pretty cold blooded bikes...she's better than some.
Got her cranked up, sat on her back and put on my helmet. Checked the choke..pushed it in a degree...and waited a moment longer. Couldn't wait anymore...kicked her into gear...and slowly let out the clutch...she spit at me...but with a little finesse, as always, she moved forward.
Once out on the road, I realized I was a bit chilly. I stopped at Jeff's work, he came out to greet me...I put on my jacket...he zipped me up...too many clothes I guess. Jeff asks me: "You have money?" "yup" says I, and he leans in to give me a kiss.
I have my helmet back on and I'm kickin down once we go. I'm smiling from ear to ear. It feels really good. Jump onto 19E towards Bristol, which T's into 11E. Head east on 11E and ride up into Bristol. I decide to stop at the Speedway, and get some pics of my bike there at the huge stadium...or what ever you wanna call it. I got some good ones, but they are on the putor upstairs with Jeff, who is sleeping, so I will have to load them tomorrow.
Leaving the Speedway, I head into Bristol proper. I've been through here several times, and you know I realized I never got a picture of the famous sign which straddles Bristol TN and Bristol VA. so I made a slight detour to get that picture too.
Off I head, I'm jumping on I-81 North...gonna jump on 19 North. I'm on the interstate for less than a mile, get off at my exit, and I happen to see the HD dealership. I'm still cold, and I wanted to get something to cover my face. I stop at Black (something) HD (I think maybe it's Blackwater HD..???) Turn off the bike, swing my leg off the bike, take off my helmet and gloves. I then reach to readjust my purse...and that's when I realize...that I didn't have my purse with me...that wasn't my purse strapped over my shoulder, but my fricken camera...duh...I've had the camera off my shoulder several times, and never noticed I didn't have my purse. I didn't have my purse, my wallet, my driver's licence, or ANY FRICKEN MONEY! Freak-out...I look down at the speedo with my mileage...shit, I'm closing in on 47 miles on the speedo. That means, I don't have enough gas to get home. SHIT SHIT SHIT...
OK get back on, switch on the key...push the button, slap her down into first, let out the clutch and get the hell outta Dodge...heading back home.
All the way home...I traveled no faster than 45MPH. I wanted to squeeze as many miles outta her I could. I know when I'm traveling on the hiway, 74 to 78 miles completely drains her. So if I run real slow...maybe get close enough to not piss off who ever has to come to my rescue???? I hoped so.
OK, well I almost made it back to Jeff's work. I was less than 1/8 of a mile from him when the bike coughed and went empty. I turned the petcock up to reserve...and got another 25 feet. OK>>>>>>so now I realize the petcock is stuck...and I have no reserve. Damn it. OK, call Jeff, tell him where I am...and he tells me to wait it out. Yuppers, 45 mins later here he is with the fuel can. Good, I'm filled up and outta there...
I get home...and well...that's all folks!