A short walk from my home...
I wasn't sure about riding yesterday...the weather started out gray and dismal with showers...I don't mind riding in the rain. I actually like it...but I like being fairly alone on the roads when I do it...and I don't like it when my aim is to get some pictures and write some thoughts for you guys here....so I really was hoping something would break and I would get on my bike....

early morning shot of the Watuga River
The weather did break...kinda...I whacked some weeds in spotty drizzle...then sun came out and I mowed the entire yard...things are looking up.
When I was done, I didn't even change clothes...I mounted up my little girl...with grass clippings clinging to my pants and boots...I opened the petcock...twisted the throttle....turned the key...pushed the button...and cranked her to life...she was kinda sluggish...cold blooded gal...she grew up in Florida...still likes to think she's still there I guess...but she came alive...and so did I....

An old Asbestos factory...a block away from MR's work....
Off to see my MR. at work...I always stop in, let him know I'm off on another adventure...He is my rock. Doggie was sleeping, Mom was comfortable...I was going riding. Be home in about 2 hours.

a view of the past...and the future...side by side...sad it won't be there much longer.
I choose a route I have been on more than a dozen times times I moved here in '06, though I didn't discover the road until '08....It's my favorite "short-timer" road. The one I take when I don't really have much time...but I need to blow out some of the nastiness that tends to accumulate if I don't ride....
Leaving the MR's place of employment...I head off toward Roan Mountain. I don't go all the way...
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Come on y'all....check out some more of Tennessee's Dixie Roads...and really see what Tennessee is all about....
These pictures come from County Road 173....Like said above...it's my favorite local road....now you'll see why!
I believed for the longest time, this barn was derelict....I always thought I would stop and find a way into the barn to photo it...well, I stopped for the first time yesterday...started photographing from the fence line...when I heard mules braying...WHAT? Someone is keeping two mules in this old barn!

If you look at the cut out window on the side...you will notice a small white dot...that is the white blaze of one of the mules...watching me...

Still moving along CR 176...you will notice, the farmers have been busy cutting hay...

And always...along these country roads...you will find housing long deserted....

By taking time to travel on one of the side roads...you will find cool old buildings like this one....it's an old barn or equipment shed converted into a tool shed...

Sometimes if your lucky...a little guy like this one will be friendly enough to ham it up for your camera...This guy has character!

I don't know what breed of goats these guys are, but their coats are shiny and beautiful...not rough like most breeds I've seen up close.

This is not a barn, but rather built and used to shelter livestock in the fields...look closely...see the two horses in the shed?

That about does it for where I stopped on CR 176 on this day...but there are a few more stops I did make on a service road that runs along I-26...after leaving Erwin TN.
On the other side of the tunnel lies a rock quarry...I can see the mountain wall that they have been blowing away to get at the rock they want...beautiful rock not slate, but breaks off like sheets of slate...I want to call them and ask if they would allow me access....it's beautiful...even if they have to destroy the mountain in order to get at it....

I turned to leave the quarry...and came to face this...it's funny how these things just kind of "pop up" around here...or perhaps, I was just so enjoying my ride...I didn't notice the advent of bad weather coming upon me...I dunno...don't care...I still like to ride in the rain...and on this service road...it aint bad with traffic.

On both sides of this road...are steep rock faces...like this one....lovely for pictures....

Climbing up into the rock...and looking up....

For some reason...this reminds me of the song by Frank Zappa...called "Billy the Mountain". I lived within view of that mountain when I lived in Rosamond CA.

I had to put my camera away after this shot...it's raining....time to head the wheels home...by the time I was to get home, I would have spent 2 hours going about 48 miles....
Nothing beats this kind of ride really....nothing.