ot that I ever thought of myself as one, but here's the text of the article from the September '09 BSH:
"Having rather late in life plunged into the deep tidal pool of internet blogging, I've become quite keen to read other people's offerenings. This is for interest and research purposes, and obviously not to see what I can steal. Honest. But, for quite some time, one of my regular haunts has been the Vintagent blog run by Paul d'Orleans, and which has been running for over three years. Paul's interest in motorcycles goes much further back in time than that (although not as far as his sometimes whimsical dress sense would indicate - he's very keen on period clothing, perhaps handed down by his grandmother who was once editor of Vogue magazine) [I don't wear my grandmother's clothing, fyi. pd'o] After starting to ride at the age of fifteen (on a Honda Express!), he's been collecting vintage motorcycles for over twenty-five years now and owns
an impressive amount, including a 1921 Works-prepared Royal Enfield, a 1926 Norton Model 25, a couple of Sunbeams, a 1929 Rudge Ulster, a '33 Velocette KTT MkIV and a 1960 Velocette Venom Clubman. But he also collects books, magazines, and artwork, and it's not surprising that this should have led to the blog, which is just another form of collecting. Paul is well-known throughout the collecting world on the west coast of America where he lives, and has not only spoken at auctions but judged concours events including the renowned Legend of the Motorcycle at Half Moon Bay. This might make him sound a little precious, but Paul is far from that. His continuing passion and enthusiasm for classic motorcycles - of all eras and sizes - is clear through the Vintagent, and the items happily roam all over the world, including several British events. I want to do the Moto Melee next year. Go and look, and you'll understand why. Paul explains the appeal of the Vintagent like this: [see my 'Story of Motorcycling' statement text on the sidebar!]"
Many thanks to 'Blue' and
Back Street Heroes for the nod.